Jesus prayed for all who
would be united in Him and our Heavenly Father, through the Gospel
message of the disciples. He prayed that the believers of the future
would also be united.
Unity must always be a
distinctive mark of the Church. Because Jesus is one with His Father,
and Believers are one with the Father and the son, there should be no
room for rivalry and faction.
The unity of Christians,
their mutual love and shared purpose, must be the clearest evidence
of God in their Lives. This Jesus said would prove to the world that
God exists, and that he Jesus is His son. My brothers and sisters, he
was referring to us. When we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us, then
the world will recognize that Jesus is Lord!
God sent Jesus to suffer
and die for all. Notice that our role here on earth as believers is
to reveal Jesus to non-believers. How do we accomplish this ? By
being united with Jesus and the Father, in showing self sacrificing
love, that Jesus showed, known as Agape
God's will to be done on earth!
When we consider, as the
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Rev'd Desmond Tutu stated:
“We are animated
and held in life by the very breath of God. It is God's breath that
sustains us.” Can we want to do otherwise?
When we hear the word
study, believe, and speak the word we will glorify God and fulfil our
role as believers.
Next Jesus prayed that
the glory that He had would be given to us as His true believers.
Those who make Jesus known so that the world will know that God sent
Him, will be crowned with glory in this life! … and in the
world to come. It’s not something we earn, however, it is given
to us freely. When we are genuinely about our Father’s business
He will raise us up.
Jesus tells us in
Matthew Chapter 6 and verse 5, that those who love to be noticed in
the church or on the street corners have the attention of the men and
women watching as their only reward. but if we humble ourselves
will exalt us!
Again, in the book of
Chapter 4 and verse 10.we read:
4:10 Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will
exalt you.
Jesus goes further and
then tells us that when we make Him the centre of our thoughts and
actions and live in Him we will appreciate the love that God has for
God loved the world and
wanted to save everyone from sin and death, brought into the world by
Adam. So he sent His son Jesus to die in our place. They sacrificed
everything for people who were then sinners! Do we live with God’s
love in our thoughts and thankfulness in our words at all times for a
God who is this gracious? Or is God relegated to a few minutes on
Sunday and on a couple of other days if we have time?
Jesus was raised up like
the Bronze Snake in the Wilderness and when we look to Him we see our
salvation in all things. Just as when the Children of Israel looked
up to the Bronze Snake and they were saved from death.
What God wants should be
uppermost in our minds always. Jesus said that he only spoke what He
heard from the Father and only did what He saw the Father doing.
Living like that He saw God’s glory in all situations.
Jesus always encouraged
his disciples to PRAY.
to be specific in their prayers.
should be diligent in prayer, simply talking to our Heavenly Father.
If we do not know how to pray aright, we can ask Him to teach us as
his disciples did. They were given a model prayer which we today
refer to as the Lord's Prayer. Do we use this model prayer every day? Have we
taught our young ones this prayer? Do we set the example for them to
follow? Brothers and sisters it is vital that we do!
God wants, should be uppermost in our minds always. as I mentioned, Jesus said
that he only spoke what he heard from the Father, and would only do
what be saw the Father do ? He saw God's glory in all
situations, lived on his Love and His plan for his life,so much so
that He could not be killed until He laid down His life himself!
Do you realise that the
Apostle John in the Bible, our manual, tells us that for a believer
who is in Jesus and Jesus is in Him or Her, “As
Jesus is so are they in THIS world”!
You can check that out in 1
John 4:17 later and it applies to all
believers young or old who live at one with God. Jesus promises (and
God cannot lie) that you will have the glory that He had when you
live at one with Him. You won’t have to seek it through self
effort or self aggrandizement. God, yes, God himself will exalt you
when you humble yourself and make Jesus the centre of you life.
So how do we do this you
may ask?
Yes, we know that God is
spirit. He is holy. He is invisible. The world can never know him or
what he is like.
But, Jesus, my friends is the
answer! He came into the world to make his Father, known. Jesus said
to Phillip in John14:9 ”Anyone who has
seen me has seen the Father”.
And what is the Father
like? Like Jesus the son, he constantly pours out his love for his
creation. He longs to restore the world to its original beauty and
He, however, did not
create automatons. He wants, us, his people to come to Him of our own
free will, become His children, and to be eternally united in His
3:16-17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might
be saved.
We listen for God’s
voice to show us the way to go and what to do. We check to see if our
God directed conscience is happy with the thoughts and actions we are
contemplating. We pray as Jesus prayed, expecting an answer. And, we
listen for the answer as we meditate on God’s word.
God’s word is a
lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Everything we need is
there. When we listen for and follow God’s will for our lives,
God says He will give us the desires of our heart! God loves us and
as we make His name known we will see how he opens doors for us and
showers us with His love and all His loving provisions.
Jesus sent the Holy
Spirit to be our guide in this life that we live after accepting Him
as our Lord and Saviour.
It isn’t
the law that’s our guide, it’s Holy Spirit, “God
in us, the hope of glory”.
Do we even realise the
privileged position that we are in as believers under the New
Covenant made in Jesus’ blood? We are recipients of a better
covenant than King David had; one that is built on better promises.
Just knowing and
recognising that the name of our God is above all others in honour
and authority will stand us in good stead as we live in God and He
lives in us.
We have the right to use
the name of Jesus as the authority that backs up all our requests to God.
Jesus tells us in John
17, verse 26 that making God’s
name know to others will cocoon us in the love of the Father just as
He was enveloped in the love of God. He prayed that we would know the
same love that He knew. God always answers prayers that are according
to His will and the prayers Holy spirit guides us to make in Jesus’
name are most definitely in that category.
We worship a good God
who loves us and makes
a way for in all things.
He wants to enclose us
in His love as a father or mother lifting and hugging a beloved
All the youngsters in
our congregation should know THAT is the kind of God we come to
worship and praise. Every second of the day as you look to God for
guidance He is there for you. Just quietly in your minds ask Him what
He would do in any situation and see how He gives you good ideas for
success. God loves you! And, because you, or if you are below the age
of accountability, a parent, looks to Him as
your Heavenly Father, you will be blessed.
My brothers and sisters,
do we ever hear God's voice? Do we listen? Let us listen now as God
speaks with the voice of the heart....
What a wonderful
situation to be in as a believer today.
May the love of God and
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with us all.
Janetta Brathwaite.
Holy Spirit's Role In our Christian Walk.
Click Here.
Grace and Law in Ancient Israel.
Click Here.
What do you mean - Grace?
Click Here.
The Heart Of God
Click Here.
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